displays share a single xscreen, xrand now works. This enable cli like
control of the displays. So lets add a load more meta modes to the
screen seciton of my xorg.conf:
Option "metamodes" "DFP:1280x1024,TV:1024x768; DFP:1280x1024,TV:NULL; DFP:1280x1024,TV:800x600;DFP:1024x768,TV:NULL;DFP:NULL,TV:1024x768;DFP:NULL,TV:800x600;"
And now add the xmond lines to control them:
- -- multi monitor stuff
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_1), spawn ("xrandr -s 0"))
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_2), spawn ("xrandr -s 1"))
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_3), spawn ("xrandr -s 2"))
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_4), spawn ("xrandr -s 3"))
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_5), spawn ("xrandr -s 4"))
- ,((modMask(myConfig) .|. controlMask, xK_6), spawn ("xrandr -s 5"))
C-Mod-0 to get the default desktops back.
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